Saturday, August 31, 2019

I Don; T Know

Unit Eight Project Danielle Cripe Kaplan University Unit 8 Project Questions: Part I 1. Under HIPAA, are you legally allowed to view this patient’s medical information? Why or why not? All personal and confidential information should be limited to the bare amount of health care professionals. Only to carry out medical treatment (MLAE). 2. In this case, how would you be able to correct your error and provide the missing documents to the patient while still protecting patient confidentiality under HIPAA? You should contact the patient inform them you still have the documents, and ask if they ould like to come to get them (MLAE). 3. Besides a HIPAA Patient Release of Information form, list 4 other items that are found in the medical record. A privacy notice, acknowledgment that the privacy notice was received, a trading partner agreement, and an agreement reached with a healthcare professional business associates (MLAE). 4. Legally, does the patient or the physician/healthcare fa cility own the medical record? Why? The healthcare facility, but the patient can access them any time as long as the physician feels it will cause no harm to the patient (MLAE). 5.List 3 ways patient confidentiality is maintained in the reception/waiting area of a medical office. Not discussing patient information in the lobby. Making sure computer screens are out of patients sight. Also making sure patients files are not left open (MLAE). 6. A breach of confidentiality can result in what consequences for a health care professional? This could result in possible termination, or possible civil action being taken (MLAE). 7. From the list of Interpersonal Ethics (found in Chapter 1 of the Fremgen text), please describe how any of those traits were demonstrated in your actions in this case scenario?Respect by looking to make sure you could access his information (MLAE). Unit 8 Project Questions: Part II 1. Would the action taken in this second scenario be within your scope of practice f or your chosen field? Why or why not? No only physicians should be giving out prescriptions, and they should have never even looked in the file. They should have just taken a message for the doctor (MLAE). 2. What determines your scope of practice for your chosen career? What you study, and what the office you are working in tells you to do (MLAE). 3.Would Respondeat Superior apply in this case scenario? Why or why not? I would not think so, because this person was not acting within their scope of Employment (MLAE). 4. Would the Good Samaritan Law apply in this case scenario? Why or why not? No because this was not any emergency situation (MLAE). 5. What role does the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) play in regards to prescription medication? The FDA is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the regulation and supervision of food safety, tobacco products, dietary supplements, prescription and ver-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs (medications), vaccines, bi opharmaceuticals, blood transfusions, medical devices, electromagnetic radiation emitting devices (ERED), and veterinary products (MLAE). 6. What role does the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) play in regards to prescription medication and a physician’s ability to prescribe narcotics? Physicians must have a DEA license to write prescriptions, and it must be for the state they are practicing in (MLAE). References Bonnie F Fremgen, Ph. D. (2009). MEDICAL LAW AND ETHICS. New Jersey : Pearson Education Inc.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Essay on Assisted Suicide

The Ongoing Historical Debate Of Euthanasia The word euthanasia originates from two Greek words, meaning â€Å"good death†. In the most natural state, euthanasia defines a death positively sought after for mankind, in the act of dying and ultimately death. Unfortunately, the term historically and currently leads to debate and manipulation to insinuate a criminal act. World civilizations must remember the crimes of the past, and fear misplaced power as currently occurring in Darfur, however, the horror of genocide does not belong in the euthanasia debate.The arguments originate from cultural, religious and social values and dictate as well as interfere with the ability to experience a â€Å"good death†. For decades, the world has been experiencing a battle between the advocates and opponents of legalizing euthanasia. While the Euthanasia Act released November 2011 by the Royal Dutch Medical Association outlined new guidelines, there are histories and past cases that need to be studied to fully understand possible implications.The legalization of assisted suicide has increased debate regarding a slippery slope effect due to a turbulent history and the misguided dogma that it will lead to involuntary euthanasia. Historically, the ongoing controversy regarding the slippery slope effect and its pertinence to those who are curable, have surrounded euthanasia placing the experience of dying with dignity, for the terminally ill in jeopardy. An article titled, The Unleashing of the Destruction of Life Devoid of Value, categorizes people who are to be eliminated.The book written by two Germans in 1920, Carl Binding, a doctor of jurisprudence and philosophy, and Alfred Hoche, a medical doctor, labeled burdensome people as â€Å"incurable idiots, mere caricatures of true men whose death create no vacuum. † The book and its contentions are later exemplified, by both the defense and offense, as the origin for condoning the genocidal Holocaust of Nazi Ger many in the late 1940’s. Consequently, Nazi Germany proclaimed that the origins of humane euthanasia began prior to Nazi terrorism.Advancements in knowledge and strict guidelines have increased since the early 1900’s; therefore history will not repeat itself, and the original intent of euthanasia can be realized devoid of a slippery slope effect. Slippery Slope arguments have been on the forefront in the euthanasia decriminalization debate since the 1930’s. In the 1930’s, a prophesized slippery slope included the potential for a lack of medical advances to discover a cure for incurable diseases. The medical doctor pledges the Hippocratic Oath to protect and prolong life, but also to relieve suffering.Slippery slope controversies are based on the supposition that despite the fact the law mandates restrictions, parameters will be blurred based upon human nature. The concerns should be navigated and acknowledged, but not dictate the fear of change. Controver sies surround the act of dying. Currently, medical development in technology has been increasingly successful in the treatment to prolong life and perpetually relieve pain. The question arises concerning the patient’s rights in making life-sustaining decisions.Public support of painless euthanasia for the terminally ill has increased dramatically. A survey conducted by Blendon and colleagues illustrated that 34 percent in 1950 were in favor, 53 percent in 1973 and 63 percent in 1991. The contemporary issue of assisted suicide exposes deep historical roots by Plato, Aristotle and Pythagoras. The philosophers maintained favor of merciful death, yet condemned murder and suicide. While Plato, Aristotle and Pythagoras historically acknowledged support of euthanasia in the advent of a painful terminal disease, all condemned suicide for other reasons.A branch of Ancient Greece, the Stoics and Roman Philosophy, also accepted euthanasia when pain from a terminal illness became intoler able. However, the initial reign of Christianity in the Roman Empire dramatically altered these views and judged euthanasia intolerable, based upon the Sixth Commandment of, â€Å"Thou shalt not kill†. Saint Augustine’s religious belief dictated that the suffering of an individual as pre- ordained by God and to deny that divine power as an unpardonable sin.The Renaissance period, following the fourteenth century, experienced a softening of belief, the Catholic saint, Sir Thomas More, advocated voluntary euthanasia for the terminally ill. He published, in Utopia, during 1516 that euthanasia as defined for the terminally ill would be a reality in an ideal society. Up until the end of the 1800’s and during the early 1900’s, physicians considered the discussion of euthanasia as a viable option for painful, terminal illness. Not until the advent and repercussions of Nazi Germany, Hitler and the Holocaust did the discussions concerning pro-euthanasia cease.The comfort of the term euthanasia and its intent became an evil crime of horror. The Holocaust claimed 6 million Jews and 3 million gypsies, under the erroneous premise of ethnic cleansing, forever altering the definition and intent of euthanasia. This act does not define euthanasia, it defines murder, yet has become a strong premise in the contemporary debate against humane euthanasia. The evil of Nazi Germany will not be forgotten and the fear of misplaced power should remain, however, it does not have a rightful position in the arguments concerning euthanasia for the terminally ill.The current contemporary issue regarding the Darfur Genocide profoundly illustrates misplaced power and genocide, not euthanasia. Tremendous medical and technological improvements during the late 1950s made it possible to sustain life in terminally ill patients and those in vegetative states for extended periods of time. These medical advancements brought quality-of-life issues to the forefront. The Patie nt’s Bill of Rights written in 1973 by the American Hospital Association grants the patient the right to reject medicine with informed consent.The United States Constitution also awards citizens the right of freedom of choice, and being in control of one’s life. Oregon became the first state to legalize assisted suicide through the Death with Dignity Act in 1998 and since then 460 people have died via this option. Washington passed the Death with Dignity Act in 2008 with 57. 91 percent approval under the voter initiative I-1000. As of March 4, 2010, 36 people have self-administered the lethal medication via physician’s prescription in Washington State. There have been 63 prescriptions filled, but some opted not to exercise this option, dying via their terminal illness.As of 2012 the only other state to legalize euthanasia for the terminally ill is Montana. The greatest misunderstanding relating to the Death with Dignity Act comes from a common misuse of the term â€Å"assisted suicide. † The power of language and the use of the word â€Å"suicide† exemplify a scare tactic used by those opposed to the law. Suicide identifies a desperate act and generally executed in secrecy. The connotations that are created in religion and moral values regarding suicide are not present. Suicide intentionally ends one’s own life, ending an open-ended life span.Death with dignity enables a choice to shorten an inescapable, impending and painful death of a person who desperately wants to live, but that option does not exist. The choice allows control and dignity in the process of dying. The Act provides a sense of peace, enables communication with healthcare professionals and loved ones; though there still will be sadness it can permit a celebration of one’s life. To support and legally allow a terminally ill person the option to choose the timing for the end of their life illustrates an act of humanity.The pain inherent in the ter minally ill is meaningless, eternal and doomed to dramatically increase. A valid measurement does not exist to determine the degree of pain experienced by an individual. Medications relieve a limited amount of the pain, however, medications have proven grossly inadequate in certain cases. A man suffering from prostate cancer said, â€Å"The medication puts me to sleep. As soon as I wake up there’s pain. If I can’t live free of the pain, I’m not living at all, simply existing. † Another patient suffering from pancreatic cancer stated, †I would never have believed that there could be such pain.I am a different person. It's like having a new set of neurons implanted in my brain, each one producing as much pain as it can. And here I am enjoying the best of American medicine. I am ready to go now. † Indisputably, there are increased advances in studies and medicine; however, there reaches a point when the excessive pain becomes unbearable for the p atient. Currently, the contemporary debate continues in the United States, especially amongst religious entities strongly opposing the Death with Dignity Act in Oregon and Washington states.Many religious traditions remain faithful to ancient teachings and beliefs concerning the physical side of life and death. Modern technology and science have discovered new insights and helped some leaders of faith to reconsider. Terminal illness and disease are no longer as large a mystery. Barbara Coombs Lee, President of Compassion ; Choices, a group for the advocacy of aid in dying, has fought against the Catholic Church and their staunch undermining of The Death With Dignity Act.The Catholic Church instigated a movement, To Live Each Day with Dignity; this movement’s intent aggressively increases the assault on end-of-life choices. For many Catholics, the Pope’s directive mandates the final word, a word that directs a judgment without introspection and self thought. Evangelical , Mormon, Protestant and unaffiliated religions also have profiles that dictate their vote. Religious proponents of The Death with Dignity Act religious proponents believe godliness does not exist in allowing a terminally ill person to experience needless suffering.The future of legalized euthanasia will be dependent upon the guidelines, boundaries and law in place to prevent the abuse of euthanasia and honoring it, as was originally intended, a â€Å"good death†. Euthanasia in its true form negates a criminal act as believed by certain cultural, social and religious entities. However, Scott Robinson states in, To Go Among the Saracens, â€Å"Yet the human situation is characterized, above all, by â€Å"forgetfulness,† or â€Å"heedlessness. † Historically, the criminal acts regarded, as euthanasia during Hitler’s reign must be remembered.The slippery slope effect concerning involuntary euthanasia exists as a misguided dogma in the historical debate of l egalizing assisted suicide. Consequently, an ongoing political battle will continue throughout the world concerning the contemporary issue of euthanasia. Scientifically, thorough research and philosophical analysis will progress, thus adding to the political dimension and enhancing a deeper understanding of the issue. Bibliography Admiraal, Pieter. â€Å"Euthanasia And Assisted Suicide. † Accessed November 12, 2012. http://biology. franklincollege. du/bioweb/Biology/course_p/bioethics/Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide. doc. Barber, Melissa. â€Å"Death With Dignity Isn't Suicide. †Ã‚  Death With Dignity National Center, April 25, 2011. http://www. deathwithdignity. org/2011/04/25/death-dignity-isnt-suicide (accessed Novmeber 11, 2012). Simon, Rita J. â€Å"Euthanasia and The Right to Die: Overview. †Ã‚  ABC-CLIO Understanding Controversy and Society. http://issues. abc-clio. com/Topics/Display/913372? cid=41;terms=Euthanasia and the Right to Die (accessed October 1, 2012). Lafolette, Hugh. â€Å"Living On a Slippery Slope. † The Journal of Ethics. 9. no. /4 (2005): 475-499. http://www. jstor. org/stable/25115837? seq=1 (accessed October 1, 2012). McKhann, Charles F. Time to Die: The Place for Physician Assistance. Michigan: Yale University Press, 1999. http://washingtonstate. worldcat. org/oclc/47009260 Neumann, Ann. â€Å"The Nation: Keeping the Right to Die Alive. †Ã‚  The Nation, June 16, 2011. (accessed December 6, 2012). http://www. npr. org/2011/06/16/137217016/the-nation-keeping-the-right-to-die-alive â€Å"Religion and Spirituality. †Ã‚  Death With Dignity National Center. http://www. deathwithdignity. org/historyfacts/religion (accessed December 7, 2012).Robinson, Scott. â€Å"To Go Among the Saracens: A Franciscan Composer's Journey into the House of Islam . †Ã‚  Cross Currents. ( 2007): 417, 420. https://lms. wsu. edu/section/default. asp? id=2012-fall-PULLM-HISTORY-105-28593-LEC (accessed November 11, 2012). S. Frileux, C. Lelievre, M. T. Munoz Sastre, E. Mullet and P. C. Sorum, . â€Å"When is Physician Assisted Suicide or Euthanasia Acceptable?. † Journal Of Medical Eithics. 29. no. 6 (2003): 330-336. http://www. jstor. org/stable/27719114? seq=3 (accessed October 1, 2012). Schaab, Patrick. â€Å"Mercy killings or uncontrolled murder?. â€Å"The Timaru Herald, , sec.National, September 18, 2012. http://www. lexisnexis. com/lnacui2api/results/docview/docview. do? docLinkInd=true;risb=21_ (accessed November 13, 2012). â€Å"Washington State Transforms the Crime of Assisted Suicide Into a â€Å"Medical Treatment†.. †Ã‚  Patients Rights Council. . http://www. patientsrightscouncil. org/site/washington/ (accessed November 12, 2012). Yardley, William. â€Å"Report Finds 36 Died Under Assisted Suicide Law. †Ã‚  The New York Times, March 4, 2010. http://www. nytimes. com/2010/03/05/us/05suicide. html? _r=0 (accessed November12, 2012). ——†”———————————– 1 ]. Schaab, Patrick. â€Å"Mercy killings or uncontrolled murder?. â€Å"The Timaru Herald, sec. National, September 18, 2012. [ 2 ]. Schaab, Patrick. â€Å"Mercy killings or uncontrolled murder?. â€Å"The Timaru Herald, sec. National, September 18, 2012. [ 3 ]. Lafolette, Hugh. â€Å"Living On a Slippery Slope. † The Journal of Ethics. 9. no. 3/4 (2005): 475-499. [ 4 ]. S. Frileux, C. Lelievre, M. T. Munoz Sastre, E. Mullet and P. C. Sorum, . â€Å"When is Physician Assisted Suicide or Euthanasia Acceptable?. † Journal Of Medical Ethics. 29. no. 6 (2003): 330-336. [ 5 ]. Admiraal, Pieter. â€Å"Euthanasia And Assisted Suicide. Accessed December 6, 2012. [ 6 ]. Simon, Rita J. â€Å"Euthanasia and The Right to Die: Overview. †Ã‚  ABC-CLIO Understanding Controversy and Society. [ 7 ]. Yardley, William. â€Å"Report Finds 36 Died Under Assisted Suicide Law. à ¢â‚¬ Ã‚  The New York Times, March 4, 2010. [ 8 ]. â€Å"Washington State Transforms the Crime of Assisted Suicide Into a â€Å"Medical Treatment†. â€Å". Patients Rights Council. [ 9 ]. Yardley, William. â€Å"Report Finds 36 Died Under Assisted Suicide Law. †Ã‚  The New York Times, March 4, 2010. [ 10 ]. Barber, Melissa. â€Å"Death With Dignity Isn't Suicide. †Ã‚  Death With Dignity National Center, April 25, 2011. 11 ]. McKhann, Charles F. Time to Die: The Place for Physician Assistance. Michigan: Yale University Press, 1999. [ 12 ]. Religion and Spirituality. †Ã‚  Death With Dignity National Center. [ 13 ]. Neumann, Ann. â€Å"The Nation: Keeping the Right to Die Alive. †Ã‚  The Nation, June 16, 2011. (accessed December 6, 2012). [ 14 ]. Barber, Melissa. â€Å"Death With Dignity Isn't Suicide. †Ã‚  Death With Dignity National Center, April 25, 2011. [ 15 ]. Robinson, Scott. â€Å"To Go Among the Saracens: A Franciscan Composer's Jou rney into the House of Islam . †Ã‚  Cross Currents. ( 2007): 417, 420.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Analysis Of Ralph Ellison s Invisible Man Essay -- White people, Bl

In Battle Royal, the first chapter of Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison parallels the struggles of the protagonist to that of minorities in a post-slavery America. Ellison 's character is invited to deliver his graduation speech to a gathering high society white men and finds himself participating in a Battle Royal. Through deeply rooted, almost allegorical symbolism Ellison illustrates the protagonists journey toward self discovery and the â€Å"American dream† in a predominantly white powered society. Throughout this work the narrator/protagonist remains nameless. This namelessness serves to highlight the denial for a significant identity experienced by those who have suffered from the follies of racism. In Ellison 's Battle Royal the protagonist is blind to this racism, which defines him, and portrays himself, as the â€Å"black exception,† by asserting the standards and convictions imposed upon him as a means of achieving success. It is clear that the protagonist is affected by the convictions of those around him when he states that his grandfather 's words of wisdom â€Å"had a tremendous effect upon† him. His blatant naivety and gullibility are foreshadowed as he feels â€Å"guilty and uncomfortable... whenever things [go] well for† him, as if he â€Å"[is] carrying out his [grandfather 's] advice in spite of [himself].† In this particular passage Ellison shows the reader that by being affected by his grandfather 's curse the protagonist subconsciously accepts his grandfathers challenge of achieving success through playing the part of a â€Å"traitor† and a â€Å"spy in enemy territory.† The grandfather 's last words imply that what the protagonist is doing is treacherous and hs act, his speech. With the"thunderous applause" received from the oration of his speech, the protagonist is willingly mislead "in the right direction... of the the destiny of [his] people." Th is allows for the protagonist to maintain the mindset of false superiority. The protagonist mistakingly views himself as a privileged black man causing the hinderance of his journey to self-discovery. The characters surrounding the protagonist are constant reminders of the narrator 's lack of authority on the path of his future. Ellison illustrates this point to highlight that blacks who strive to achieve success or the American Dream through their own terms will only propel themselves farther into the follies of invisibility. In order for the veil to be lifted from the eyes of the blind, men must band together and the fight the powers that may be instead of each other.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Wal mart Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Wal mart - Assignment Example Walmart Inc. operates more than 11,000 stores across 27 countries around the globe. Most of the international stores of Walmart are in Africa, Argentina, Brazil, China, Japan, Canada, Chile, Mexico, UK, and Central America. This is because they enjoy monopoly in countries without such vibrant stores and the population of the countries is a source of customers. b. Provide a trend analysis for years 2011, 2012 and 2013 as to where Walmart expanded and/or divested in its domestic and international markets. That is, where did they open and/or close their stores. Also pay attention to the type of stores they are opening and/or closing. Walmart has six different types of stores opened across the world. Among them is the Supercenter, quick-trip to a convenience store, Discount store, Sam’s Club warehouse stores, Campus convenience stores. The company decided to enhance selling of groceries since they learnt that food sells as compared to other stuff Consolidated net sales for the entire fiscal year were $466.1 billion representing an increase of 5.0% over fiscal 2012. Net sales included about $4.0 billion from acquisitions and approximately $4.5 billion of negative impact from currency fluctuations of exchange rate. Membership and other income was $3.0 billion, showing a decrease of 1.6 percent from the previous year. The total revenue was $469.2 billion increasing by $22.2billion or 5%. Income from continuing operations connected to Walmart was $17.0 billion, which is a 7.8 % increase from $15.8 billion in the previous fiscal year. 2013 fiscal was $5.02 as compared to last year’s $4.54, a 10.6% increase. The effective tax rate for the wholeyear was 31.0 percent, compared to 32.6 percent for the prior year. The trend in the analysis shows that Walmart has a financial graph that is rising between 2011 and 2013. This comes as a result of having a fiscal policy that is organized

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Music Copyright Laws Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Music Copyright Laws - Research Paper Example Many musicians write their own music. The music that is written is then transformed into a song. The song that is created is owned by the artist that created the song. ( Bouvier) Since the artist owns the song, the artist can determine who can hear it and produce it. This is like anything that someone owns. If something is owned by someone, they can decide whether or not to share it. It should never be up to someone who is not the owner to share the item. A copyright â€Å"is an exclusive control of a book, picture, etc.† (Dicionary2010) This control is enforced by a law. This law is known as a music copyright law. A music copyright law can protect the creator of the music. In 1976, a copyright act was put into effect to protect the composer of the music. (Standler2008-2009) The composer is given full rights to his or her music. This type of music copyright applies to copyrights for sheet music. There are different types of copyrights for music such as sound recording. Any typ e of work, even if the work is not music, needs to be copyrighted to help ensure proper ownership and proper usage of the work. It is important that each of the music copyright laws is in affect to help protect the owner of the music. The music copyright law can be located under title number 17 in the United States Code. The title is issued by the United States Copyright Office. ... There are five very specific things that one shall never do when a piece of music is under copyright. Music that is under copyright should never be reproduced of its music or any of its lyrics. The music’s or the lyrics can’t be sold for any amount of money even if it’s free. The music can’t be performed by another artist in a public setting. The music is not even allowed to be played in public even if the one playing the music owns a copy of the music. Finally, the music can’t be made for a public use in any form. These strict guidelines are important for protecting music. All types of copyrights are issued throughout the Unites States. No copyrights can be issued unless they are issue by the United States copyright office. This office allows those seeking a copyright to access the necessary help. The copyright office is important for those wanting to obtain a copyright for music. The copyright office started in 1870. (Unites States Copyright Offic e 2010) The start of the copyright office was a huge step for those with a creative mind. Before the copyright office, work could be stolen. Works stolen could be used by the wrong person and the wrong person would receive credit for the work. Stealing ones music is not just about stealing the music and making money. Stealing and using the music unlawfully takes credit away from the artist that rightfully deserves the credit. It was important for the copyright office to allow individuals a place where there music could be made their own. An example of how a copyright office is used by a musician is simple. A musician can bring a piece of work to the United States Copyright Office. At the office, the musician can register the music and apply for a copyright. The copyright is then kept in the office library

Monday, August 26, 2019

Middle east economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Middle east economy - Essay Example On economic issues, there has been a traditional shaping of the way the economies are run largely by the common religion that the region shares. The political stability of the region has also not been stable owing to the many Islamist groups that have constantly fought for islamisation of all policies in the region according to the rules of the Quran. This region has not developed well relative to the world level of emerging markets (Kuran). This paper therefore seeks to establish the historical facts that have led to this underdevelopment since the development of the Islamic law and the Quran. The economic institutions that existed in pre-modern times were of the idea that all laws are to be implemented under duress. The major focus will be on historical institutions that that accounted for the subsequent institutional evolution in the region. Economic Institutions The growth of economy in the Middle East draws its historical background to the development of Islam. This brought in t he economic institutions based on advanced contract law. The Islamic law brought in principles, regulations and procedures that governed the development of the economy of this region. ... However, economic scholars of the time were not able to agree on the definition of ‘lending’ or what really constituted ‘interest’. Islam jurists supported the credit money in which there was devising strategies that allowed interest to be charged without violating the Quran principles. There were no financial institutions and therefore the lenders were just individuals and society groups. The third issue shaping the economic governance of the region was economic governance that was shallow. Most of the governance was made by the state in which case mosques, libraries and caravanserais were built and financed directly by the state. These, being Muslim states were built on the basis of two very basic principles; Provisionalism as well as Fiscalism. Any order that was contrary to these principles was not directly allowed and did not therefore get the support of the national government. Weak property rights as well as arbitrary succession were the order of the day which was reported during the early practices of economy. The Muslim statesmen in the region starting with those in the state of Saudi Arabia had tax policies that were very concrete. The same was soon spread to other areas of the missile east that had embraced civilization earlier on especially the pre-Islamic civilization. These laws however became obsolete especially in Iraq, Syria, Iran and Palestine. Therefore, just like in civilizations that were coeval, there was tax discrimination in that the non-Muslims paid more taxes than the non-Muslims. This principle was unsystematic and many more communities received expropriation. However, as the practice became more applicable, there was the extent of confiscation and imposition of new taxes in the economies. This means that this industry

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Contemporary Retailing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Contemporary Retailing - Essay Example Contemporary Retailing The question outlines about the approach of the retailers which has undergone a radical shift in the last 30 years. The question of discussion in this context will be how retailers have moved from being market – driven company to a market driving company. This shift has been termed as growth by various industry experts and practitioners around the world. The study will therefore mainly discuss about the factors that led to this drastic change and growth of the retailers. In addition, the potential implication of the same will be evaluated in the context of current market scenario. Before getting into deep, the study will throw light on the differences between the concepts of ‘market driven’ and ‘market-driving’. There are drastic differences between the two concepts; a company which is market driven mainly reacts to the need of the customers. These companies generally bring the changes in their system on the basis of the changes in consumer dynamics. On the contrary, companies which are deemed as market driving are more future oriented and have better ability to envisage the future. These companies constantly come up with new products and services and surprises customers with their innovative offerings. Now the statement which will be evaluated is ‘retailers have moved from being ‘market-driven’ to being ‘market-driving’ in that their power has increased significantly in the last 30 years’.... The question of discussion in this context will be how retailers have moved from being market – driven company to a market driving company. This shift has been termed as growth by various industry experts and practitioners around the world. The study will therefore mainly discuss about the factors that led to this drastic change and growth of the retailers. In addition, the potential implication of the same will be evaluated in the context of current market scenario. Before getting into deep, the study will throw light on the differences between the concepts of ‘market driven’ and ‘market-driving’. There are drastic differences between the two concepts; a company which is market driven mainly reacts to the need of the customers. These companies generally bring the changes in their system on the basis of the changes in consumer dynamics. On the contrary, companies which are deemed as market driving are more future oriented and have better ability to en visage the future. These companies constantly come up with new products and services and surprises customers with their innovative offerings. Now the statement which will be evaluated is ‘retailers have moved from being ‘market-driven’ to being ‘market-driving’ in that their power has increased significantly in the last 30 years’. The market driving approach has allowed them to experience the competitive edge as well as increased power (Bhasker, 2006). This is because the dependence on consumer preferences has greatly reduced as with constant innovation they are actually creating and changing the preferences of the consumers. On the contrary, a retailer which pursued market driven

Macroeconomics. The oils price Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Macroeconomics. The oils price - Essay Example However, how the various economic indicators behave during this short period of 'supply shock' and how they forecast performance or health of the economy in the coming period is the moot question. Inflation may be defined as "state of economy, where there is a general and abnormal rise in price of all goods and services". Recession is a state of economy where there is a "slump in Gross Domestic Product in two or three successive quarters of a year with general price rise or fall". In the short run, when a price of a product which is consumed every sector of the economy which contribute to GDP have suddenly risen, other things remain the same, lead to rising prices all commodities and services, fall in real value of money and slow down of economic growth. This phenomenon is attributed to 'supply shock'. Built-in inflation - induced by adaptive expectations, often linked to the "price/wage spiral" because it involves workers trying to keep their wages up with prices and then employers passing higher costs on to consumers as higher prices as part of a "vicious circle". Built-in inflation reflects events in the past, and so might be seen as hangover inflation. It is also known as "inertial" inflation, "inflationary momentum", and even "structural inflation. Cost Push inflation or Supply... Built-in inflation - induced by adaptive expectations, often linked to the "price/wage spiral" because it involves workers trying to keep their wages up with prices and then employers passing higher costs on to consumers as higher prices as part of a "vicious circle". Built-in inflation reflects events in the past, and so might be seen as hangover inflation. It is also known as "inertial" inflation, "inflationary momentum", and even "structural inflation. SUPPLY SHOCK INFLATION OR COST PUSH INFLATION: Cost Push inflation or Supply Shock inflation is caused by the rise in price of an important commodity for which there was no alternative, and consequent of which there was a general rise in price of all commodities and services. While the examples for cost push inflation are many viz., failure of monsoon/draught in an agrobased economy which would shoot up inflation etc.,. the best example in the modern industrialised countries, is rise in prices of petroleum prodoucts. Dependence to petroleum products in any economy need not be emphasised and it may not be forgotten that the crisis faced by the world in the year 1970 is attributed to the rise in oil prices all over the world. Since, petroluem is important for moving the economy in all industrial including agricultural dependent countries, any upward movement in the price will cause a cascading movement in the price of all commodities and services and it will have persistant effect. However, there are different school of thought which opine, that the reduction in oil price after 1970 have not contributed in reduction in general price level, hence, rise in oil prices have not directly caused inflation in 1970. However, Keynesian economists argue that many prices are 'sticky

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Women and Sexism at Workplace Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Women and Sexism at Workplace - Assignment Example Over the years, there have been a number of different roles that have been followed by men and women and have been considered to be the prehistoric roles of the people. However, when such assumptions are made and the roles for people are limited to a few tasks, then the result often leads to sexism. This paper aims at discussing the effects of sexism on women in two main areas, i.e. entering into a workplace and progress within the workplace. The main aim of the research is to get a better idea of how women are affected due to the existence of sexism in the workplace. The society has set down a various number of rules and roles that are expected to be for women. Women are faced with issues in getting jobs at the workplaces as there are a number of restrictions and reservations on the end of the employers. Employers prefer not to spend on the female employees for training and other purposes as there are very high chances of the women to leave the job so they can take care of their families (About Equal Opportunities, 2010). As seen in the survey, the youth and younger generation today, unlike the previous generations do not consider men’s work to be more important than that of women and there is a constant need for more equality and better understanding among the people.  These issues and difficulties include the possible offensive male chauvinist comments that can be faced by women as well as other questions where the employers demean the women by judging them to be less effective than men.  

Friday, August 23, 2019

Marketing & Promotion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing & Promotion - Assignment Example The coffee would appeal to these target age groups through contemporary and clean designs that shall be presented in a consistent way in its product and package designs, interior of the store and advertising. For young adults whose age is between18 and 24, the coffee shop would position itself as a place where college students can study, write, read and hang out with others. This target market tends to grow by 4.6% every year. The coffee shall be an ethically traded coffee (obtained through â€Å"fair trade†); hence, it shall focus specifically on career-oriented individuals living in urban areas with relatively higher incomes. These individuals are socially responsible individuals who care about sustainability and environment and would not hesitate in paying a premium price for an ethically traded coffee. Due to the presence of cultural diversity in UAE this strategy would be particularly useful in attracting foreigners and tourists who would rather go for ethically traded coffee rather than otherwise. The brand’s offerings are targeted towards such affluent individuals who are likely to go to Tim Horton’s or McDonalds. Furthermore, part of the proceeds of coffee purchases shall be donated regularly to local charity funds. The coffee would be promoted through television via placement in various reality and other shows. The â€Å"branded entertainment† strategy would be used here whereby the subliminal placement of coffee in these shows would subconsciously remind customers of the coffee brand while they watch their favorite shows (Hudson and Hudson). Since young, contemporary students and professionals are also targeted, therefore, contests can be run during popular shows such as â€Å"Friends†. Shows of this sort can be used to show a group of teenagers visiting the coffee’s outlet for getting together. The outlet of this coffee brand can then be promoted as being a place where individuals can relax, read novels or

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Desire and Disappointment in “A & P” and “A Woman on a Roof” Essay Example for Free

Desire and Disappointment in â€Å"A P† and â€Å"A Woman on a Roof† Essay It may be natural instinct for men to be attracted to a good-looking woman or one who displays more than the usual amount of skin in public. The level and type of attraction varies from one male to another. However, more often than not, the primary expectation or fantasy of the male admirer regarding the female being admired, is not met because these expectations and fantasies are based on his personal conceptions and stereotypes about what women should be and not what the particular woman he chances upon is in reality. The male protagonists in John Updike’s â€Å"A P† and Doris Lessing’s â€Å"A Woman on a Roof† exhibit different expectations on the female characters they meet but in the end, all of them would be disappointed and disillusioned with both the female character and, in turn, their own selves.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Updike’s hero is 19 year-old Sammy who works in the checkout counter of a convenience store. One day, three young women walk into the store in their swimsuits. Sammy’s reaction, along with another young but married co-worker, is typical of men their age: they gawk at the woman with sexual desire. Written in the first person point of view of the main character, the reader notes that what Sammy notices about the women are the usual things that men desire in women like â€Å"long white prima-donna legs†¦(and) clean bare plane of the top of her chest down from the shoulder bones†¦(Updike).† Her admiration becomes more than a physical attraction, however, when the store manager reproaches the girls for their out-of-place outfits. In a burst of impulse, Sammy resigns from his job, his reason being that he could not take the embarrassment that the store manager inflicts upon the girls. He imagines his resignation to be a heroic act which he expects the girls to notic. To his disappointment, however, they do not even look back at him. Outside the store, Sammy thinks about â€Å"how hard the world was going to be (Updike)† afterwards. He realizes that the heroism is simply his own conception about what he does and nobody else, especially not the girls, get it. He loses his job in the process and he has too much pride to take it back.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The three male protagonists in Doris Lessing’s story, meanwhile, react upon the sight of a barely-clad woman sunbathing on a rooftop. Like Sammy, the men lust at the sight of the woman in â€Å"red scarf tied around her breasts and brief red bikini pants (Lessing).† The initial reaction evolves differently among the three men, however, as the sunbathing woman becomes a daily distraction to their work. Harry, past middle-age, reminds the other two to think of their own wives as they look at the woman. To him, the woman is a possession that should be reined and controlled and the particular woman on the roof must have had a husband that is not doing his job. The newly-married Stanley is confident that women are willing and submissive when they are coaxed. He gets along with Mrs. Pritchett because she responds to him. Tom, the youngest, has an ideal, fairy-tale image of himself. He imagines himself â€Å"at work on a crane, adjusting the arm to swing over and pick her up and swing her back across the sky to drop her near him (Lessing).† He is a hero protecting her from Stanley. All the time while the men watches, yells and whistles at her, the woman remains indifferent. Days later, Harry eventually gives up. Stanley becomes more enraged as the day becomes hotter. Tony remains hopeful but suffers the most as in the end when he decides to finally go and talk to the woman he is rejected and driven away.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Men have been used to classifying women according to types based on superficial images generated by media or during talks amongst themselves. When a man encounters someone that does not fit any of the molds, she disappoints him greatly, more than even she realizes. The characters in the two stories illustrate how hope could turn into disillusionment when a man entertains grand ideas about a woman even before understanding her. Works Cited Lessing, Doris. A Woman On A Roof. Updike, John. A P.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A Stars Life And Death Sciences Essay

A Stars Life And Death Sciences Essay When we look in the sky at night and see all the stars your eyes can see. We think they are permanent although we may think this technology has given us the chance to see otherwise. Massive telescopes like the Hubble space telescope has let us experience and see the birth and death of stars. Where some stars just burn out and fade away other stars go out with a bang. There are billions upon billions of starts in space and their all different sizes. But only one type of star will collapse in and turn its self into a black hole. A protostar: Lets start from the beginning, the pillars of creation is a piece of a space nebula 7,000 light years away from earth in the eagle nebula it is just one of the billion birth places of stars. What are they made up of well Ill tell you they are made up of dust gas and different elements of the periodic table like hydrogen, helium, calcium oxygen silicone and iron. As gravity forces this dust and gas mixture into a flat disc accretion occurs, a process in which more atoms are added to create a protostar. Now at this stage a star is not yet stable because of the countless reactions occurring within the forming star. For this newly forming star to become stable it must reach equilibrium. Equilibrium is the balancing act between the star and gravity. Equilibrium occurs by gas pressure equaling the force of gravity. Gas pressure occurs by thermonuclear fusion which is the combining of the nuclei of small atoms to form the nuclei of larger ones, with a resulting release of large quantities of energy. For nuclear fusion to begin and equilibrium to occur the core of a protostar has to reach 18 million degrees Fahrenheit. When it reaches this critical temperature it will begin nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium. And if nuclear fusion doesnt happen it will end up a brown dwarf. Once nuclear fusion begins a star is born. Main sequence star: A main sequence star is made up of essentially two sections the core where nuclear fusion occurs and the outer gaseous shell. Stars will live out most of their life in the main sequence just as our sun is. Once a star begins nuclear fusion it becomes self luminous it generates its own heat. Now how long will a star live out its life well thats hard to tell it all depends on the stars mass and it turns out that how hot a star is will determine the color of the star like for instance a red dwarf star which is  ½ to 1/10 the mass of our sun. With its surface temperature less than 7,000 degrees Fahrenheit and is also the most common type of star in the universe. However we dont see the small Red stars we see the massive blue main sequence star, its surface temperature is 45,000 degrees Fahrenheit, it is up to 20 times the mass of the sun and up to 10,000 times more luminous than that of our sun. There is however a down side to being a massive blue star. With that being said the less th e mass of a star the less atoms a star has to maintain its equilibrium. The bigger the mass of a star the more atoms a star will have to maintain its equilibrium. With regards to a stars life however the more massive a star the shorter its life will be and the less massive a star the longer its life. This is because in larger stars thermonuclear fusion happens at a much faster rate than that of a smaller star. Once a star has reached equilibrium it has not stopped changing there just isnt a huge amount of change going on, and as we already know a star will live out most of its life in this stage. But we must remember gravity forced the star together to begin with and it also wants to destroy it. The beginning of the end: Once a star has run out of hydrogen to convert to helium, the star will begin to contract so that it can begin to convert helium to carbon so that the star can continue to hold up its equilibrium. For a star to convert helium the internal temperature of the star must reach an astounding 180 million degrees Fahrenheit. at this point the star has now become a red giant or red super giant. As gravity causes the core to contract helium will begin to burn in the core. But rapid hydrogen reactions occur faster in the outer layers of the star. As the temperature of the shell increases the outer layers will begin to swell and expand. Since fusion is releasing more energy in the helium burning stage than in the main sequence the star is a lot less stable. As the star begins to run out of helium it will again contract to convert helium to carbon and oxygen into neon then, magnesium, silicone, sulfur and then iron. As massive stars come to the end of their life it begins to look like an onion i n cross section with the outer layer being hydrogen and the inside being layer after lay after layer of heavier elements. As the massive star tries to convert iron it fails because iron being the stable of all nuclei absorbs energy instead of releasing it. When fusion decreases temperature will also decrease. And the rate of the star collapse increases. As the iron core builds up in the star and gravity contracts it even further the iron core will rebound and smash through the outer layers of the sun kicking of a type 2 super nova. The only thing left of the star is the core left completely intact. Gravity still not giving up on destroying this star will contract it even further and force this core of a star to convert electrons to neutrons only one problem neutrons dont like to be near each other. So now you have a new stable object even smaller and denser. This compact star core becomes a rapid whirling ball of neutrons. Which give the star the name neutron star as gravity compact s this neutron star even further and if at the last moments of the neutron stars death enough matter falls in to its core it will collapse into itself and form a black hole in which nothing escapes not even light. So lets recap we have talked about gravity forcing dust and gas together to form a protostar. Also how nuclear fusion is what makes a star a star and for that to happen the core must reach 18 million degrees Fahrenheit. We also went over that as soon as nuclear fusion begins a star is born. As a star comes to the main sequence it will live here for most of its life. But as soon as the star runs out of hydrogen gravity will contract it until it reaches an internal temperature of 180 million degrees Fahrenheit and will burn helium to keep its equilibrium. The sun will also convert carbon and oxygen into neon then, magnesium, silicone, sulfur and then iron trying to fight off gravities crushing force. But it doesnt happen and the iron core in the star will rebound sending of shock waves causing a type 2 supernova. Leaving the left over core intact and allowing gravity to take over again gravity will force the electrons left over in the core to neutrons and now we have a neutron star tha t gravity will compress and if enough matter falls in the core it will eventually collapse in on itself and form a black hole. All information I used in this speech came from the history channels The Universe Life and death of a star. Season 1 episode 10 and also form life cycle of a star. Picture of brown dwarf star form Picture of Red super giant form Picture of black hole destroying to stars if an artists enactments of the destruction of a black hole picture form title Don Dixon space art. All other pictures seen here today were from Hubble space telescope I would like to thank all of you for taking the time to listen to my speech on a stars life and death. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Uk Lifestyle Magazines And The Representation Of Masculinity Media Essay

Uk Lifestyle Magazines And The Representation Of Masculinity Media Essay This thesis seeks to investigate the understanding of masculinity as a construction of identity. This study explores developing identities, and how this may relate to wider constructions of masculinity in the media, with particular reference to lifestyle magazines aimed at men. Methodologies This Study focuses on For Him Magazine known now as FHM, one of the leading mens magazines that is published in 27 countries. The methodology that will be used to carry out this study will be a content analysis. Through a content analysis, 6 issues of FHM in from the years 2005 through to 2010 will be examined, in order to examine if there has been any shifts in the portrayal of men or what is meant by the term masculinity. Bibliography from year two Benwell Bethan, (2003) Masculinity and mens lifestyle magazines: chapter 6; Published by Wiley-Blackwell) Bignell, Jonathan (1997), Media Semiotics, an introduction. Manchester: Manchester University Press Edwards Tim, (2006) Cultures of Masculinity; men masculinity and feminism, chapter 1 (Routledge) Jackson Peter, Stevenson Nick, Brooks Kate (2001) making sense of mens magazines; chapter four (Wiley-Blackwell). Galician Mary-Lou, L. Merskin Debra (2007) Critical thinking about sex, love and romance in mass media: media; chapter three (Routledge) Gaunlett David, (2002) Media, gender, and identity: an introduction, Mens magazines and modern male identities; chapter eight (Routledge) Gunter Barrie (2002) Media sex: what are the issues? chapter 6 (Published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates) Itzin Catherine, Newman Janet (1995) Gender, culture and organizational change: putting theory into practice chapter fourteen (Routledge) Litosseliti Lia, Sunderland Jane (2002) Gender, Identity and discourse analysis. (John Benjamins Publishing Company) The Construction of the Male Identity in the UK Mens Lifestyle Magazine FHM (DRAFT) INTRODUCTION: THESIS OUTLINE This thesis seeks to explore how masculinity is represented and constructed within the pages of FHM (UK) magazine of the modern male identity. Through a content analysis of the branding of masculinity in the UKs leading mans magazine, the study explores the trends and the portrayal of men but also the types of products advertised in mens magazines. It will examine the rationale of FHM in constructing the portrayals of men and masculinity and the role that FHM plays in shaping attitudes about masculinity. The central research question is: Exactly what ideas does FHM generate or convey about masculinity? More specifically, in the magazines construction of masculinity, what is emphasised and what is ignored? Considering gender and sexuality to explore and address the stereotypical representations and attitudes that are likely to be reinforced to its readers. The first chapter of this thesis demonstrates a detailed depiction of the UKs FHM position and role in the mens lifestyle magazine market, from its inception from For Him Magazine through its incredible development to its contemporary brand expansions. It also discusses FHMs influence on the mens magazine market as well as on broader industry concerns related to the young male market, particularly advertising. Essentially, this chapter offers a rationale for why FHM is an important site for investigation. Chapter 1 The mens magazine market is a moderately new phenomenon. Mens magazines today have become sites of significant inquiry that offer alternative views on the representation of the modern man. Men have purchased and read magazines in the past, though previously, the term mens magazine referred to publications structured around masculine themes to designed to interest men, such as cars, fishing, DIY and pornography. However, as sociologist Tim Edwards (1997) notes, It is, to put it simply, that they werent called mens magazines and this is what constitutes the key difference: the self-conscious targeting of men as consumers of magazines designed to interest men if not necessarily to be about men (p.72, emphasis in the original). Since contemporary mens magazines are embedded in the rise of a new lifestyle genre, they are considered mens lifestyle titles as opposed to simply mens interest magazines (Edwards, 2006).1 The growth of the mens magazine market in the UK, which saw an invasion of lifestyle titles in the 1980s, commencing with the launch of Arena in 1986. The Focus The aim of this study is to investigate and analyse the different representations of masculinity in the modern day 21st century. The endeavour of this is to answer the research question, which is; has the definition of masculinity and or the portrayal of men changed over time, in particular in print advertisements in mens lifestyle magazine FHM (For Him Magazine). Although this may sound like a popular research case study, very little academic research has been performed in the field of mens magazines and even less on the construction and representation of masculinity. This study therefore aims to firstly, classify the term masculinity, to conclude a definition, of what is means to be a men?, which is often used to ascribed to males in todays society. This study will also explore sex roles and common stereotypes that men are regularly being labelled with. This study will further examine if the characteristic that what once associated with traditional masculinity is dying out, or if t here is more than one masculine identity. Thirdly, this study will examine the presentation of male images and products in advertising exploring the emerging trends of mens images where the predominately female female-orientated markets of body enhancements, cosmetics, and personal grooming products are being aimed at male consumers. Through a context analysis, this study addresses male images in advertisements in For Him Magazine (FHM) from 2005 to 2010. Examining the changing trends in the portrayal of men and the types of products advertised in mens magazines. Furthermore, this study will argue, that masculinity makes more sense in relation to individual performances of identity than it does in terms of any measurement of gender or sexuality, a notion which is often disregarded in both popular and academic discourses about gender identity. Chapter 1: Introduction Over the last few decades the role of men in British society has changed considerably. Traditional notions of masculine images, such as males being the sole breadwinner or provider has come under attack, undermining traditional images of the masculine identity. Males have also faced a changing Image in advertising. Traditionally, females were the ones that have been associated with sex in advertising, but today males are also being used to connote or imply sexual situations in advertisements. Modern day advertisements feature provocative images of men and women in reveal outfits and postures selling a variety of products, most of which have no association with sex. There has too been an increase in product advertisements in mens magazine, most popular out of these is beauty and accessions. Suggesting that men today, have developed a conscious self-awareness of the way they look. Men in are taking great pride in their appearance, replacing beer or health supplements and abs tonners. M en now have a keen eye for fashion, and indulge in grooming/beauty products- this identity has today been coined as metrosexual. Adapting the characteristics of men, this new man has blurred the distinction of masculinity. Traditional masculinity referred to heterosexual men, interesting in extreme sports, cars and DIY. This request the question is the term masculinity (means to be macho) changing? Or is there more then one masculine identity? Metrosexuality was first developed by Mark Simpson in his book Male Impersonators. According to Simpson (2003), metrosexuality is a new, narcissistic, self-conscious kind of masculinity produced by film, advertising, and glossy magazines to replace traditional repressed, unmoisturised, unreflexive, unmediated masculinity.  [1]  However, this term has become widely used in the United States media and in the advertising industry in the late 1990s, referring to straight men who posses feminine traits and care about fashion, grooming, cleaning and using beauty products (Mereditch and Wells; 2003).  [2]  However, very little academic research exists on the meaning of metrosexuality for masculinity. This study examines modern masculinity and metrosexuality of men in the 21st century mens lifestyle magazines, within the UK, drawing particular attention FHM. However, there are limited studies on masculinity and mens images (Windholz, 1999/2000; gates 2001; Tincknell and Chambers, 2002)  [3]  . Although media across the globe are widely discussing the newly emerged phenomenon- metrosexuality- there is almost no academic research on this phenomenon. Since metrosexuality and masculinity are so closely related to each other, this study aims to explore both issues within mens lifestyle magazines. Chapter 2: Definitions of Masculinity Whilst, we have identified the main attributes that can be grouped under the term traditional masculinity, we still do not have an recognized definition of what masculinity itself might be. Craig contests that masculinity is what a culture expects of its men (1992:3). This description suggests that masculinity exists only in a cultural context, as something that stems from traditions, codes and in particular expectations commonly held by society. Similarly, Mosses definition of masculinity as the way men assert what they believe to be their manhood (1996:3)  [4]  insinuates that masculinity is widely understood as a way of behaving in accordance with ones sex-defined characteristics, either as a manifestation of ones sexual identity, or by the way of a responsibility towards the general order provided by understanding of gender. Gilmore (1990; 1)  [5]  defines manhood as the approved way of being an adult as the approved way of being an adult male in any given society. Within the cultures, where value is attracted to a notion of manhood, Gilmore further claims that there is three particular criterias that are repeatedly associated with the masculine role, firstly, to impregnate women and secondly, to protect dependents from danger (1990; 223). Berger, Wallis and Watson (1995) states that masculinity, the asymmetrical pendant to more critically investigated femininity, is a vexed term, variously inflected, multiply defined, not limited to straightforward descriptions of maleness.  [6]  Masculinity takes a variety of forms for men and it differs according to sexuality, race, class and age. It is noticed the society and media hold very distinct stereotypes towards different ethnic and race groups. For Caucasians, the most common dominate ideology of masculinity represents ideals of strength, toughness, coolness, attractiveness, heterosexuality and whiteness (OShaughnessy 2003).  [7]  However, these ideals are very difficult for men to attain in reality. With the increased attention given to mens bodies and the resurgence of their imagery with the media, men nowadays pay more attention to the media and work to improve their physical appearance (Wienke, 1998; Shilling, 1993).  [8]  These effects are further pushed f orward with the new ideal metrosexual, which simply suggests that men who possess feminine traits are ideal. As men are now facing so many identities, so what makes a man? A closer investigation is presented next. Chapter 3: Gender and Masculinity In general, the characteristics associated with men are grouped under the term traditional masculinity by many writers.  [9]  Three of its main character traits are strength, command and ambition- all useful in getting ahead, and more often than not viewed in a positive light. Even the less positive attributes associated with traditional masculinity such as competitiveness, aggression and stubbornness maintain an air of respectability in that they remain symptomatic of power and control rather than weakness. Theorists in the field of gender studies have sought to understand how these masculine traits came to be associated with the male role first and foremost, and why they continue to permeate society and popular discourse as common sense notions of gender roles. Consequently, gender as a concept is open to much greater debate than sex, and it is clear that masculinity, as one aspect of gender identity, can take on an entire range of potential meanings. Mort observes that we are not dealing with masculinity, but with a series of masculinities (1988; 195; his emphasis).  [10]  As well as recognizing that class, race and sexual orientation, and several other factors all enter the equation at the level of identity, the term masculinities refers to the fact that no two peoples performance of so-called masculine characteristics will ever be exactly the same. As Horrocks states, there is clearly not a homogenous monolithic identity possessed by all men in all contexts (1994:3).  [11]   Byne suggests that, as human beings, we are motivated to create an identity for ourselves that allows us to make sense of our position in the apparent world. In order to be understandable, this must accord with the already existing conventions, as we perceive them; no matter how we seek to position ourselves in relation to these, we still accept that they exist. Conversely, men must strive to meet an extremely demanding stereotype of the male role as provider, achiever and conqueror- a task that is, in its self unattainable, and which causes men much self-doubt and anguish. This, Kaufman conclude, also inspires fear for it means not being a man, which means, in a society confusing gender and sex, not being a maleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦losing power and ungluing basic building blocks of our personalities (p.149)  [12]  Together, these two behaviours are more destructive than either on its own, combining to both cause the problem and make it impossible to escape from. Chapter 4: Masculinity in the United Kingdom British Men According to Benynon (2002), there are three ideal versions of contemporary masculinities in the United Kingdom. The old man is relatively uninterested in fashion, is married and holding down a regular job, and remains somewhat sexist and homophobic in outlook. The new man is narcissistic, progressive and ambivalent in his sexuality, yuppie- influenced and generally anti-sexist. When he first emerged he was viewed variously as the same as the same old wolf, but in designer clothing, a revolutionary in his relations with women and his willingness to display the emotional side of his nature, and a marketing opportunity, for new visual codes. The new lad is defensive about fashion, ambivalent in his attitude towards women (he has pornographic notions of them rather than relationship with them) and he believes life should be one huge alcoholic and drug induced festival. (Beynon, 2002, p.118)  [13]   Among the above three ideals, the new man seems to be the most popular ideal in the United Kingdom. These ideals can be illustrated by the most influential British celebrity football player, David Beckham. David Beckham defines a new trend of men in the United Kingdom. In a recent study reported in The Observer (Campbell 2003), One David Beckham: Celebrity, and the Soccerati, co-authored by Andrew Parker of Warwick University and Ellis Cashmore of Staffordshire University, highlights how Beckham successfully combines a mixture of traditional and modern values to create an inspirational healthy role model. The study praises Beckhams different public personae including the national ambassador, aggressive competitor, loving husband, doting father, fashion model and gay icon. This study further concludes that Beckhams massive popularity could influence young males, encourage greater tolerance and acceptance of a new concept of masculinity. As suggested by the author of the study, Beckham has helped create a complex new concept of masculinity by defying expectations in areas such as what clothes men should wear or how men should style their hair. Indeed, Beckham fits all of the contemporary masculinity ideals he is a combination of new man (nurturer and compassionate partner), new lad (football legend, fashionable father, conspicuous consumer) and old man'(loyal dedicated, bread- winning) (Cambell, 2003).  [14]   Chapter 5: Gender Representation in Advertising Research has revealed that advertising does not exist in a vacuum but instead is very much interrelated with the existing social relationships within society (Duffy, 1994).  [15]   Goldman (1992)  [16]  suggested that we tend to take for granted the deep social assumptions embedded within advertisements as we are so used to the quantity of advertisements around us and the routine ways in which we read them. More importantly, we do not see or recognise advertising as a sphere of ideology. In a consumer society, advertising acts as a magnet, luring individuals into embracing a consumption culture that is part of an economic and social institution that helps to perpetuate what Goldman called the supremacy of commodity relations. Interactions between individuals are now greatly being defined by the material possession of commodities. The consumer society is primarily about contentment and pleasure, but there are broad complications beyond the realm of Contentment and pleasure. One of the most important implications is the area of gender identity. Sex-role stereotype, like any other stereotype, allows us to make sense of the world that we live in. Gender, of course, is one of the most important forms of systematised behaviour in all societies, and every culture has accepted routine forms for communicating gender identity (Leiss, Kline Jhally, 1990, p. 215)  [17]  . Our everyday environment is articulated mostly by what we see in the media and the task of advertising is crucial. The target audiences self-identification with the gender images is a basic requirement for an advertisements effectiveness, and the meanings encoded in the images are persuasive cultural symbols for societal behaviour. The earliest research into the portrayal of men in sex roles in advertisements was carried out in the 1970s by many re searchers and drew many conclusions: men were portrayed as more self-governing than women. They were portrayed in different occupations in comparison to women who were usually shown as housewives, cleaning, cooking and caring for children. Specific products such as Alcohol and cigarettes were most frequently portrayed by men, while women were mostly depicted in advertisements for household products (Dominick Rauch, 1972; Schneider Schneider, 1979; McArthur Resko, 1975; Courtney Whipple, 1974). According to Fejes (1992), the results from these researchers carried out in the early 1970s, did not fluctuate much from those conducted in the late 70s and early 80s.  [18]   In the last few decades, the role of men in the UK has changed considerably there has been an increasing visibility of the male body in the media and popular culture. Men are getting increased exposure not just of their bodies, but of their lifestyles, consumption preferences and emotional needs. Men are gradually gaining on women in the display of their bodies on billboards, fashion photography and magazines. Moreover, it is not just the number of images of men that has increased; it is the emergence of a new representation in popular culture where male bodies are depicted in an idealized and erotized manner (Moore 1988; Simpson, 1994).  [19]  Furthermore, in the consumer markets around the world-the predominantly female-oriented market like cosmetics, personal grooming and even body enhancements are attracting seeing more male consumers. Through a content analysis of advertisements over six years in a magazine for men, this paper studies the trends in the representation of imag es, products and sexual portrayal of men. Chapter 6: Men in Advertising Fejes (1992) noted that Skelly Lundstrom (1981)  [20]  conducted a study on print advertisements analysing a total of 660 magazine ads from 1959, 1969 and 1979 to establish whether there was any change in the portrayal of men in print advertisements over the two decades. They found that there was a small and gradual movement towards more non-sexist portrayal of men. Fejes (1992) also noted that Lysonskis study (1985)  [21]  showed similar results. Kervin (1990) too carried out a research study on the ads, focussing particularly on Esquire magazine. He examined whether the representation of men and the definition of masculinity had changed or remained over time. The study closely examined at ads from Esquire magazine for 50 years from the 1930s to the 1980s, and discovered that specific stereotypical representations of masculinity still remained after 50 years. What is fascinating, though, is her suggestion that these stereotypes exist because they complete certain needs and concerns of the men in society relating to their sense of powerlessness as individuals. She suggested that these stereotypes may be there to offer some form of compensation, in the form of admiration from others and possession of products for the men to define themselves adequately in society. She also discovered other new constructions of masculinity emerging over the years. The form of the male body is beginning to be portrayed as an erotic spectacle, suggesting that advertisers are adjusting to the changing attitude of consumers and exploiting it. Marian Salzman, Director of Strategic Content, JWT Worldwide, in her new book, The Future of Men (2003), interestingly, notices an important gap of the young male demographic that marketers and advertisers often fail to notice. Salzman, who conversed about the rise of the metrosexuals in 2003, deems the days of the metrosexual are numbered as men want their manliness back, and they are tired of taking their behavioural and fashion cues from their female companions and from mens magazines.  [22]  But this may not be true, as Kelton Research discovered in his research which was performed on 600 men, found that men can now be classified into men who value their personal style and appearance without sacrificing their masculinity, and ubersexual men who care about their appearance from head to toe. Moreover, men may try to act laid-back when it comes to personal maintenance, but the reality is, nearly two out of three surveyed not only own a variety of grooming products, but use them again and again. More importantly, about 98% of these products- men have no qualms about strolling into a store to buy a grooming related product (Wellikoff, 2006)  [23]  . Chapter 7: The Macho The Metrosexual Lee (2003) noted that men of all sexualities are taking a wider interest in their appearance. Hairdresser is where they go for a haircut instead of the barber shop and they are turning to other form of cleanser as soap is too harsh on their skin. More men are going to the gym instead of engaging in outdoor activities such as sports and some of them are even indecisive when it comes to choosing something to wear. These men are called the metrosexual and David Beckham who has been credited as the man who is changing male behaviour is classified as the ultimate metrosexual. A few years ago, concern over weight and diet regimes was strictly womens issue and having a pot belly was accepted for a man. But now, it is completely acceptable for men to watch their weight too and follow diet plans. This new breed of man blurs gender lines. In the Future Man'(Salzman, 2003) concludes that British men are becoming metrosexuals who have embraced customs and attitudes once deemed by women. Salzman further connotes that men today are confident in their masculinity and in their sense of self. In addition, they look and feel good and are knowledgeable about fashion and accessories regardless of what people might consider these things unmanly.  [24]  This new breed of man does oppose the traditional male role. ABC news reported that Leo Burnett, a Chicago advertising firm, conducted a global study of masculinity in 2005 and half of the men in their sample say that their role in society is unclear than in previous decades. More than seventy percent of them said that advertising is out of touch with mens reality.  [25]  Reports seem to indicate there is a new form of manliness emerging that is both macho and sexual at the same time. Stephen Perrine, editor in chief of Best Life magazine in the United States, mentioned on ABC news, The new manliness is about being competent and of value. Its less of men looking into their own navels. He also listed actors like Huge Jackman and Brad Pitt as the role models for this new manliness (ABC news, 2006).  [26]   Research Questions Advertising is an incorporated part of any economy in the world. And where there is rapid growth and changes in the economic profile of a society, there is a parallel increase in consumption patterns. This study aims to examine the portrayal of men in advertising as the emerging trends indicate that the predominantly female-oriented markets like cosmetics, body enhancements and personal grooming, are being directed at more male consumers. By studying the changes taking place in the portrayal of gender roles in advertising, it would allow us to get an insight into the changes that are taking place in society at given times and trends over periods of time. RQ1: What are the changes in the images (as per the categories) of men in FHM Magazine from 1998 to 2005? RQ2: What is the classified level of dressing (as per the categories) of the male models in FHM magazines used for the various categories of pictures? RQ3: What are the differences in the race of male models in FHM magazines in the categories of photographs/illustrations? RQ4: What are the differences in the types of products advertised in FHM magazines from 2000 to 2010? RQ5: What is the classified level of dressing (as per the categories) of the male models for the various categories of products? RQ6: Has the portrayal of men in Print advertisements changed in any way over the last six years? Methodology For the purpose of this study a content analysis was chosen and deemed appropriate as it will provide an overview on the coverage and frequency of use of male models in the advertisements selected. This quantitative research method is also useful for evaluating empirically the changing trends in society, while allowing us to summarize results and report findings in accurate, quantitative manner. The unit of analysis enables replication of the study over periods of time, thus providing an opportunity for comparison and review. Sampling Selection and Sample Size Six years (72 issues) of FHM magazine, from the United Kingdom were selected for this study. These magazines were published over a six year period from 2005 through to 2010. Through a systematic random sampling method of these 72 issues, one was selected from each year making it a total of 6 issues in the sample size. The unit of analysis is all full and half page advertisements or posters that have male or female models. Those advertisements without any models were excluded from the categorization. Categorization System The advertisements and posters from each year were systematically coded by placing them in pre-defined categories. Category of dressing Description Demure dress Everyday, casual clothing, including walking shorts and sports outfits. Suggestive dress Excluding evening gowns, which expose cleavage. Mini skirts, short shorts, muscle shirts, hiked skirts that expose thighs Partially clad Models in bathing suits, wearing undergarments and three-quarter length or shorter lingerie. close- up shots of models bare shoulders. Models in nothing except a towel. Nudity Unclothed Models, including; translucent lingerie/ undergarments and silhouettes. Extent of Contact Description No contact Positioned side by side. Not touching. Tame contact

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Baby Can Sing and Other Stories by Judith Slater :: Biography Biographies Essays

The Baby Can Sing and Other Stories by Judith Slater When a group of short stories is put together, in most cases there is a significant aspect in why the writer chooses certain stories and in a certain order, much like books of poetry. There is a reason to the writer's madness. If a writer has enough stories to fill a book that is so good it deserves to be printed and stay in print, they've probably written enough stories to fill two or more books and those that made it were what the author felt to be the best or looked the best together. The stories have a connection that links them together. In The Baby Can Sing and Other Stories, all of the stories tell the tales of going off away from the usual or the norm. Let's assume for the sake of argument that Judith Slater wasn't available to explain why she did what she did with the book and stories involved. The writer is unreachable for questions or comments for the majority of the time, so much that the idea of contacting the actual writer is often not thought of. Without knowing anything, the first story "The Baby Can Sing" is a phenomenal introduction to the collection. Based on reality, the story talks about some imaginary baby that can dance and sing. It doesn't have a beginning, middle, and end, making it different from a traditional story. It has no climax or dramatic point. It is the stream of consciousness that the narrator rides along away from whatever the reality is. The class came to a conclusion that the narrator was actually pregnant but something happened to the baby. At one point since she says, "When I was pregnant..." and that is the only comment in the past tense. Everything else is in the mystical present or the 'would be' future, both being skeptical and wishing. The class speculated that whatever happened to this woman's baby (i.e. abortion, miscarriage, etc.) was not good, as if losing a baby in any way were a blessed event. In that case, the narrator could be taking her mental state away from the harsh reality and to a dreamlike place of the impossible.

Gatsby and the American Dream Essays -- The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitz

The American Dream is what we all aspire to achieve. The idea of starting off with nothing and to become something has caused millions of people from all corners of the world to immigrate to this country for over 300 years. However, what exactly is the American Dream? F Scott Fitzgerald answers this question within his novel The Great Gatsby. Through the eyes of Nick Carraway, Fitzgerald analyses the high class of the 1920s and reveals that the American Dream has been distorted from a pure ideal of security into a convoluted scheme of materialistic power. Fitzgerald incorporates the aspects of both the Ã’old dreamÓ & the Ã’new dreamÓ in his tragic story to depicts how the inflexible dream has been corrupted and lost forever.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Fitzgerald illustrates in The Great Gatsby that the qualities of the original dream are perseverance and hope. The most glorified of these characteristics is that of success against all odd. The ethic of hard work can be found in the life of the young James Gatz. His focus on becoming a great man is thoroughly depicted in his Ã’Hopalong CassidyÓ journal. When Mr. Gatsby showed the tattered book to Nick, Mr. Gatsby said, Ã’Jimmy was bound to get ahead. He always has some resolves like this or something. Do you notice what heÕs got about improving his mind? He was always great for thatÓ. The Ã’Hopalong CassidyÓ symbolizes the continual struggle for self-improvement, which has been the basis of America a land of opportunity. Social Classes have always been apparent in civilization and America in the 1920s is no exception. Often those who rank in the lower classes usually feel that their problems will be resolved if they gain enough wealth to reach the upper class. This then offers a false connotation that the American Dream is this passage into to high social status and upon reaching that level, you are then able to abandon all economic worries. However, the American Dream involves more than acquiring wealth and a high social status. The dream involves attaining a balance between the spiritual strength and the physical strength of an individual. In the end of this book Jay GatsbyÕs ultimate goal to have Daisy love him never comes to fruition solely because he chooses to pursue his dream by engaging in a lifestyle of high class. The product of hard work is the longing Jay Gatsby, who contains the purest chara... ...umanityÓ: Ã’So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the pastÓ. The dream is now completely gone without a possibility of being resurrected. Through unfolding events of a doomed romance, F Scott Fitzgerald also depicts the inevitable doom of the American Dream. Gatsby had no balance to the extremes of his material and spiritual sides of himself. His dream of winning over DaisyÕs love is masked by the desire to become rich. Fitzgerald created Gatsby to show the failure of the individual who believes the American Dream requires money. It is well documented America was to be a land of endless opportunity and wealth, however a nation needs more depth than itÕs promise of materialism. The true composition of a nation is the unity of its peopleÕs minds in order to achieve a universal acceptance. Fitzgerald uses Gatsby and the other characters to convey his message- The American Dream, once a pure and noble concept is now dead and buried into the ground by a dehumanized void which revolves around money. Perhaps the book is not a tribute to a man named Jay Gatsby, rather, a tribute of an a noble aspiration of realistic success which is now and forever gone.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

Did you know? That the first mechanical computer was built in 1939 by Professor John V. Atanasoff in Iowa State; furthermore, it weighed 750 lbs, and had a memory storage of 3,000 bits which is equivalent to 0.4 Kilobyte. Computers today are known as PC, desktop, and laptop, and they less cost efficiency today because the technology we have today makes it so much easier to build desktops; in addition, of components such as the CPU, Motherboard, Memory, Storage, Video Card, Power Supply, and Case. Computers today weighed less in lbs; ergonomic designs are more slick; and the cost efficient makes it affordable to most computer buyers. Most computer companies has challenged one another: indeed, of specifications to slick designs to catch the computer buyers attention. Computers utilization today are mainly for multipurpose from business to entertainment.Computers is beneficial, it has started business and entertainment. Computer has made business much easier for people to find j obs. Games can be found in computer which can be entertainment for PC users. Computers today have been utilized in our everyday lives. People can surf the web, check their emails, and chat with people on social Medias. There are also negative effects of computers, it can cause many students to procrastinate on their homework or studying because Facebook and entertainment can be a very distracting. It’s a fact that it has caused most children to lack of extracurricular activity because now children are more into their computers then going outside to play and have fun with friends. Computers can be built by parts, such as the following components: CPU, Motherboard, Memory, storage, Video Card, Power Supply, and Case. For example, many of my friends tha... ...nd extremely expensive to buy. The first 1 gigabit disk drive was worth $40,000 and weigh 550 pounds. Computers were also used in the military to track missile or to start a missile and track enemy on the radar. The average human blinks 20 times a minute but when using computer blinks 7 times a minute. Computer has taught me, how to do coding with java script which is one of the computer language that I learned online. Java script has taught many people how to develop website or even make video games for other people to play. There are many other computer languages for me to learn in the upper division courses which I’m so ready for. Some people call â€Å"Java† as coffee drink. Many high school today don’t teach students how to coding because it’s not that popular right now. To me coding is like a magic power that I can transform or make things the way I want to be.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Lady Bellaston’s part in “Tom Jones” Essay

SUMMARY: Tom Jones receives two letters in this chapter. The first one is from Lady Bellaston. She tells him she should despise him for his behavior at her house and for loving a country girl. She also warns him that she can hate as passionately as she can love. While Mr Jones was thinking how to reply to the letter, Lady Bellaston walks in with her dress in disarray. She asks if he has betrayed her, and he promises her on his knees that he has not. Suddenly Partridge announces Mrs. Honour’s arrival. So Tom hides Lady Bellaston behind his bed before Sophia’s maid enters in the room. Honour prattles on about how Lady Bellaston meets men at her house. Before going she hands Jones a letter from Sophia. Once Honour leaves, Lady Bellaston emerges from behind the bed, enraged that she has been disregarded for someone such as Sophia. Lady Bellaston in the end pretends to believe that Jones and Sophia had met accidentaly and they arrange their future meetings. In fact they decide to camouflage the purpose of his visits by pretending that Tom has come to visit Sophia instead of her. Finally alone he reads Sophia’s letter in which she asks him to not visit her again. Because of this Tom tells Lady Bellaston he is sick. The evening herds Nightingale has left and Nancy’s pregnant from Mrs Miller. Tom helps Nightingale to handle the situation with his father. To return the favour he offers to help Tom get rid of Lady Bellaston by sending her a fake marriage proposal, which, as predicted, she refuses. ANALYSIS: In Book VII the novel gives way to a new writing mode: it becomes in part epistolary. The story is filled with the letters of Lady Bellaston, Sophia, and Tom Jones. It’s a huge change in Fielding’s style. In fact the author usually controls the reader’s response through the presence of the figure of an omniscient narrator who emerges as the true moral focus in the novel. So adding this new writing mode he provides the readers a sort of sense of identification and verisimilitude which are given by the first-person form, used also by other authors such ad Defoe and Richardson . Perhaps it also heightens the sense of separation that the city introduces into the characters’ lives—letters now substitute for people. In these letters we can also see some irony. In fact in Lady Bellaston ones we can see that instead of following the rules of polite conduct, she usually gets explicitly emotional and lascivious.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Girls And Boys Playing Sport Together Essay

Girls and boys should not be in co-ed teams due to the injuries, fighting, social issues and the difference in both sexes performance. Another issue is the misunderstandings during physical contact sports, like football, rugby, lacrosse and hockey. Therefore girls and boys should not play sports together because it complicates and presents an unsafe environment. Usually when boys and girls play sports together major injuries occur, especially when the sport has a lot of contact. Studies show that females tend to receive concussions more often when playing sports that allow contact with males. Doctor Fin from Sunny Brook hospital reports â€Å"77% of females who play co-ed sports end up with concussions†. (Linkn17) Between interviewing school sports teams, girls have mentioned a lot that size does matter. Jenny, A rugby player from J.Clarke Richardson explains â€Å"It’s scary when you have a huge 6 foot tall, jacked boy running at you and then tackles you to the ground . It tends to hurt you way more when it’s a boy then when it’s a girl, due to the size and strength difference†. (helan14) When boys and girls start to grow up strength become an issue. Michael health teacher from Donald A Wilson describes why. †The difference between girls and boys strength is, when boys hit puberty they get stronger and girls do not.† (micheal30) Therefore teens and adult girls should be prohibited to play sports together because the injuries that follows with it. Co-ed sport teams can cause social issues, as well as bullying, along with physical issues. Girls are made fun of and called ‘butch’ due to playing on a boys sports team. Alyssa from O’Neil Secondary Explains, â€Å"I feel playing with boys is more of a challenge than it is when playing with just girls, but I’m always made fun of by the boys on my team and the girls at my school.†(Alyssa23) Girls can not be in a change room with boys, due to their different body parts. Coach Jim says, â€Å"Now that these kids are older boys are thinking more sexual even so the girls are not nake d, also they have different body parts so they cannot be using the same change room. This is an issue for gossip, about the girls, or reverse.† (jim43) Sometimes girls are grabbed or touched by boys unexpectedly and freak out, although the boy wasn’t intentionally doing it. Matt from co-ed rugby reveals, â€Å"Onetime I picked up this girl and accidentally put my hand in her shirt and she freaked out, and made a huge scene, I was mad because I wasn’t doing it on  purpose and I only touched her stomach.† (matt12) So With all of this information, it is proven that it has caused social issues , physical issues and bullying that still continues due to co-ed sports teams. Girls and playing with boys causes many misunderstandings and a very big change and the ability to perform well during games. Boys sometimes may be scared to perform as usual with girls due to the most common factor, hurting them. Jack from Dolphins foot ball team says, â€Å"I was running towards this girl who had the ball but, I got scared because I felt I was going to hurt her, so I slowed down and she got away†. (jack19) Misunderstandin gs constantly occur in co-ed sports teams like, when a guy touches a girl, but the boy not realizing what he has done because he is trying to treat the girl like any other player, but the girl is taking it into a sexual situation.†He picked me up, with his hand grabbing my butt. I started kicking him and hit him in the face, I felt extremely violated†. Alexis said from Durham College football team. (Alexis25) Sometimes females back down when a guy 10 times the size of your size approaches you during a contact sport, like football or rugby and hockey, even soccer in some cases.†I had the ball and a guy 30 times the size of me came running towards me and I dropped the ball and ran another direction I got scared I Guess playing with the opposite sexes does have some cons†. Megan from N.D expresses. (Megan18) Co-ed sports have been proven to show a difference and lack in their ability to perform during games. Also the amount of misunderstandings that have lead to fighting is not appropriate and safe environment for boys or girls. Co-ed sports teams should not be permitted due to the consequences along the way. Males and females playing sports together cause a lot of misunderstandings. Boys have a lot of sexual thoughts when they are teens and like to joke around, but when it comes down to playing their sport their intention is not what, females seem to think. Males have shown that the ability to perform well playing with girls isn’t as strong. Women have shown that the size and strength have stopped them from playing their best due to the fear of injuries. Along with these consequences, social issues have become a problem with co-ed teams. The biggest thing proven is the amount of injuries women get, due to strength and size, well playing on co-ed teams. Girls and boys should not be allowed to play in any physical sports teams together, due to the points above. It should be prohibited.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Bembo Typeface

The design of typefaces has undergone various changes through out the history of the printed text and has metamorphosed itself from the design requirements of primitive printing press to modern day digital needs. Typography aims to provide a text that is readable and coherent at the same time ensuring the typeface preserves an aesthetic appeal to the readers. The clarity of the text also needs to be taken into consideration when analyzing the typeface.When understood in an historical perspective the typefaces which were popular in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries were largely Roman and lacked the presence of italicized letters. The lack of italics often hampered the readability of the text. In the Renaissance Italy, Venice emerged as center that catered to the typographical needs of the scholarly society. With the widespread use of printing press and the subsequent proliferation of printed materials, the time was ripe for the redesigning of existing typefaces.Aldus Ma nutius was an accomplished printer in Venice known for printing scholarly articles. The typefaces that were used by him were created by Francesco Griffo. Francesco Griffo was a goldsmith turned typeface cutter who worked on the design of the important typefaces used by Aldus Manutius. The calligraphic characteristics like slants and curves influenced Griffo to a large extent and these influences were assimilated into the typefaces he developed. As a result he created the first italic typeface that incorporated an element of elegance.This typeface when used for printing not only had an aesthetic appeal but also lent itself to a greater clarity of reading, which set it apart from earlier Roman typefaces. Manutius used this new typeface for printing a small piece of work commissioned by Pietro Bembo. The unique characteristics of this typeface made it widely popular and came to be known as the Aldine roman typeface. The Aldine roman typeface is now known as the Bembo typeface. Bembo ty peface emerged as the most modern one developed in the century. Initially Bembo typeface consisted of lower case characters only and upper case characters were borrowed from other typefaces.On gaining widespread popularity, italicized upper case characters in keeping with the characteristics of Bembo were added to the typeface. The design of Bembo typeface is rendered unique due to the following characteristics. The creator of Bembo has ensured minimal variation in the weights between thin and thick strokes. This lends evenness to the text. The oblique stress emphasized in the typeface lends it a classical elegance, while the angled serifs enhance the aesthetics. Stanley Morrison of Monotype corporation launched a program to rediscover the historical typefaces to use it in modern day printing.The Bembo typeface was revived in the 1920s by the Monotype corporation, which made use of the original books and specimen material as a foundation using the original typeface by Francesco Grif fo as a reference. Morrison based the revival largely on the text Hypnerotomachia Poliphili by Francesco Colonna, which was typeset by Griffo. Initially the revived typeface was called â€Å"Poliphilus† but the name Bembo gained more acceptance. Keeping with their tradition of preserving classical typefaces, Monotype introduced a digitalized version of Bembo typeface in the 1980s by leveraging its original metal revival of the 1920s.To cater to the demands of modern digital printing needs, semi bold and extra bold weights were incorporated into Bembo. The distinguishing characteristics of the Bembo typeface lend a consistency to the text irrespective of the color and texture used for printing. The legibility and classical look of this typeface makes it highly suitable for books. Bembo has maintained its appeal through the generation as compared to other historical typefaces such as Gutenberg typeface, which are no longer in use. It has also heavily influenced Garamond family of typefaces, which are now known as ‘Old Style’.To summarize the classical typeface has undergone 500 years of change and constantly adapted itself to the changing dynamics in the printing industry without losing its inherent design characteristics. References Christensen, Thomas. (n. d. ) The typehead chronicles. Retrieved March 11, 2009 from http://www. rightreading. com/typehead/bembo. htm Meggs, Philip B. , & Carter, Rob. (1993). Typographic Specimens. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Bembo Typeface [Online Image]. (n. d. ). Retrieved March 11, 2009 from http://www. rightreading. com/typehead/bembo. htm.